Welcome to the official website of the Shoreline League of Democratic Women. The
organization’s charter is to establish a social and political
fellowship to unite Democratic women along the Connecticut shoreline.
The SLDW focuses on issues important to women of all ages. Our objectives are to:
UNITE women to support and advance the principles of the Democratic Party
ENCOURAGE growth of a well-informed electorate
PROMOTE full participation of women in every level of the Democratic Party structure
The Shoreline League of Democratic Women seeks membership from women who live in Clinton, Madison, Guilford, Branford, Killingworth, Old Saybrook, Essex, Centerbrook, Ivoryton, Westbrook, Chester, Deep River, Old Lyme, and Lyme. The group is involved in state and national elections.

Here comes election season 2022! I know we say this often, but this next election is critical. Our Democratic candidates will need all the help we can give door knocking, phone calling, texting and other outreach. Every. Single. Vote will matter. Every election, every candidate, every Democrat will need our help. So lace up those sneakers and get ready.
Please plan to join us in our efforts this fall. The futures of our daughters, granddaughters and countrymen hang in the balance.
Emily Anne Bjornberg
In 1977 a young woman named Rosie Jimenez died getting an illegal abortion after Medicaid denied funding for safe legal abortions (aka the Hyde Amendment). She was a young college student and single mother who had a student-aid check in her pocket. It was unnecessary tragedies like this that the Women's Movement fought to avoid over the last 50 years -- keeping young, poor, and often minority women safe. It seemed inconceivable we would go back to these darker days but here we are; dangerous and damaging decisions from the SCOTUS relegate women to second class personhood.
Yet, despite this bleak outlook we also see signs of optimism. Women are waking up to a world of post-Roe v. Wade. One Supreme Court Justice promised overturning Roe is just a start. Women across the country are saying "Hell, NO, we won't go back!" And nowhere is that more true than in the state of Griswold v. Connecticut. Five radical justices have awoken a beast and she will not be tamed until women are treated as full equal citizens. This is 2022 not 1776: Gals, it is time to role up our sleeves and get to work!
VOLUNTEER! No matter what your skill set, we will find you a job to safely and comfortably make a difference.
The SLDW is working to elect Democrats up and down the ballot from Senator Bluementhal's and Congressman Joe Courtney's re-election to State Senators Christine Cohen and Norm Needleman and your local state representative candidates! We have strong, smart, and informed candidates that count on our base of grassroots volunteers. Women, let's get to work!
We can put your talents and availability to maximum use! Just fill out the registration form included on the back panel and send it in to the address provided along with your yearly dues.
Let’s make sure on November 8th we send a message loud and clear to a radical Right in this country that women won't go back.
Send your email and contact information to sldworg@gmail.com and receive our regular updates during this important time. See you on the campaign field!
Join our organization and meet like-minded women who fight the good fight. Sign up for our emails at sldworg@gmail.com and check out our FACEBOOK PAGE on a regular basis.
#ReSISTERHOOD, Solidarity, Sanity and Science!

PHOTOS ABOVE & BELOW: Women's March in NYC!
PHOTOS TO THE RIGHT: Pro-Choice Protest June 24, 2022 (E. McBride photos)

150 College Street (near Dock and Dine) on the beautiful Connecticut River
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Friday, September 16, 2022 (5:30 - 7:30 PM)
STATE REP. Jillian Gilchrest
Ms. Gilchrest has extensive experience advocating for women’s health and safety, in particular influencing public policy at the Connecticut General Assembly.
You are cordially invited to attend our annual Campaign Season Kick-off Event. All Valley-Shoreline Democratic women are welcome to attend this free networking event. Your support is needed now more than ever for the midterms. Come mingle with state and local Democratic politicians and candidates. This is not a fundraiser, but a friend raiser! Bring a friend! Refreshments will be served.
- Hear about the fight for Reproductive Rights here in Ct. What we need to know, how we can help.
- Meet our hardworking Connecticut Democratic Candidates
- Learn how to play a major role in upcoming elections
- Network with like-minded Democratic Women
- Learn about the SLDW and our grassroots community work!
State Rep. Jillian Gilchrest (18th District, West Hartford) will be our featured speaker. She has led the way to important legislation ensuring Connecticut remains a safe, committed state for protecting and ensuring women's reproductive health care, now and far into the future. Jillian is the Vice Chair of the Public Health Committee, and serves on the Appropriations, Judiciary, and Energy & Technologies Committees. She chairs the Subcommittee on Women & Children’s Health & Trafficking in Persons Council.
Jillian formerly served as the Director of Health Professional Outreach for the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Executive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice Connecticut, and Director of Policy & Communications for the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence.

Watch for an invite in your mail with details -- we will catch up on the latest news from Washington, DC and layout our political strategy for Fall 2022.
POLITICS ON THE ROCKS: Join us for an evening of politics and camaraderie. Networking is on the menu as we mingle with like-minded women and meet local candidates. Hors d'oeuvres and beverages on us. Friday August 19th; 5-7 pm - 13 Thrush Cross Road, Clinton - an outdoor event.
Our Annual Kickoff for the fall election season. The SLDW will host State Rep Jillian Gilchrest who will discuss legislation surrounding women's reproductive health care in Connecticut. Friday, September 16th, 5:30-7:30pm at the Old Saybrook Pavilion, 150 College Street, Old Saybrook.
October is the heart of Campaign Season. The SLDW will work with Democratic Candidates and Town Committees to support the all-important voter outreach effort. Each week until November 8, we will announce the many ways you can volunteer to help our Democratic candidates.
NOVEMBER 8: Election Day - All Hands on Deck from November 5 - 8. It is Get Out the Vote Time!
December - Holiday Celebration Party! More details to follow.
For more information about the SLDW and our events,
email sldworg@gmail.com.
Check back regularly for news and updates!